Cuddles Day Nursery - BCP Case Studies Series

February 5, 2025
5 min read


In January we met with Bill Arnold to discuss the sustainability journey that they have been on and how Cuddles Day Nursery has found using Climate Essentials. Bill has worked for the company for 16 years and is retired, but he has returned to help with sustainability consultancy work. Cuddles Day Nursery has three sites across Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole.

Cuddles Day Nursery wanted to take part in the Climate Essentials programme to quantify the measures they have already taken and to understand where more work is needed to be as energy efficient as possible. The nursery has been thinking about their environmental impact for over a decade, so focusing on carbon reduction and quantifying their impact was a logical next step. Having visited the Canford Heath site where there are 11 classrooms and 9 playgrounds, we have seen first hand the improvements made throughout the site over the years that have dramatically reduced the nursery’s carbon footprint.

From using Climate Essentials, the nursery has been able to input data that has shown their detailed carbon reduction over time as well as being able to collate all the data from their efforts into one place. There have been dramatic cost savings including a total electricity saving of £32,000 since installing solar panels. The nursery also uses this data from a PR angle and has really embedded sustainable practice into every aspect of the nursery’s life. Showing parents that the business truly cares about the future and engaging the children to inspire the next generation in learning and practicing a sustainable lifestyle has been really important for the nursery. One example of this in practice is that all of the classrooms have clearly labelled bins and children are taught how to use these bins properly. They have also recently increased their recycling capacity and reduced their normal waste bins to shift mindsets even further (and save costs). It was great to meet with Bill and we look forward to seeing even more carbon reductions and love that the nursery is inspiring the next generation to be more eco-minded in everyday life.

Find out more:

Sign up to access one of the limited licences to Climate Essentials now by clicking this link here.

*Sponsored by BCP Council. Eligibility Criteria: you must be based in BCP, have fewer than 250 employees and fewer than 7 sites.